Revolt 2009
30th April > 03rd May 2009, La Centrale – Reggio Emilia
LORENZO OGGIANO – Quasi Objects / Sample Kit
Lorenzo Oggiano (1964, Padova – Italy) works in photography, video, new media, installations, assemblages.
He graduated in visual arts (BA) at the University of Bologna (D.A.M.S.) with a final thesis on the relationship between arts and new technologies: Contemporary arts and technological interaction: the bodies of mutation.
Since the early nineties Lorenzo Oggiano is engaged in an artistic and theoretical research concerning the biological, sensorial and cognitive mutations induced by new technologies, and the aesthetic and communicative potentiality of new media tools.
Lives and works in Sassari (Italy).
ORTHOGRAPHE – Fuoco Bianco su Fuoco Nero
Orthographe (Alessandro Panzavolta – Angela Longo) was created in 2004 in Ravenna. Since their beginnings, they have been involved in the creation of art-works that combine visual arts, performance and theatre. The poetics of the company are articulated through a subtraction of gestures, actions and words from contemporary and historical artistic practices, to deliver a praxis that springs from the possibility of not doing rather than doing.
Fuoco bianco su fuoco nero (white fire on black fire) is an audio luminous oracle, a synesthetic game between light and sound staging a concert (electronic music performance) as pop sculture, psychedelic luminous public display, noise icon.
PLUMES DANS LA TETE – La quiescienza del seme
by and with Silvia Costa
original music and light design Lorenzo Tomio
Coproduction festival es.terni 2007 – Dimora Fragile project
duration 30′
The seeds of lots of plants, before germinating, need a dormant period. This physiological necessity assures that the seed waits for the next favourable period to grow. Apparently, an empty waiting. Life conditions suspend and freeze. Outside seems dead while inside something is invisibly working slowly. The effort, the fight, do not concentrate so much on the act of generation as in the process leading to it. It is the period of preparation and waiting that charges every birth with meaning, both physiological and ideological.
This work omits the moment of birth to focus on what precedes it. For once we are not going towards an end but we tell what there is before a beginning.
(22 min dv col and B/W 2007)
A series of sequences on the theme of stilleben or still-life.
‘If a glans engorging would generate the universe it would make it as it is: there would be the transparent sky, blood, cries, bad smell. God ain’t a priest but a glans: dad is a glans.’
Le Petit – Georges Bataille
Zapruder filmmakersgroup is a group of filmakers (David Zamagni, Nadia Ranocchi, Monaldo Moretti) devoted to the unusual practice of the production of out of format films. In parallel to a frequent participation to the main European festivals of New Cinema (first with Spring Roll and then with Morning Smile), Zapruder works with the theatre company Fanny & Alexander, by taking care of the filmic parts. The refined artisan quality of Zapruder led to a series of devices and performative environments which stand for disembodied theatre and embodied cinema.